Anna Jarząbek-Siudak | Master of Fine Arts | artist painter
She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, at the Faculty of Painting in the prof. J. Joniak's studio. She defended her diploma in 1990 with the Direction of Textile Art in the prof. R. Kwiecień's studio. She participated in numerous exhibitions in Poland (Krakow, Łódź, Warsaw, Gdańsk) and abroad: Germany (Bergkamen), Belgium (Ghent), France (Paris), USA (Chicago), Mexico (Xalapa). Her work are in private collecions in Poland, Belgium, Germany, Norway and Chicago.
My art work is a way to indirectly meet the sensitivity of another human being. Its essence is searching. Constant attempts to capture in the frames the pulsation of matter, its variability, twinkling, vibrations between opposites. Sacrum and profanum. Certainty and instability. Gold and concrete's roughness. I draw inspiration for my art work from my surrounding: nature (the floral sphere fascinates me constantly), urban chaos (that continuously delivers unexpected, abstract contrasts), music (speaking to my imagination since I was a child), and from entire legacy of pure and applied art. The phenomenon of art in my understanding is based around creating a situation in which we find values similar to those in our own hearts in a work created by another human being – thanks to that, the image strengthens our faith in those values, and becomes a medium for them, that we want to interact with repeatedly. Such art, in my opinion, fulfills it's task. Neither an art shocking nor flattering to common tastes. I hope that my works will become an inspiration for others to create some of those beautiful values in their own life matters, contributing to disseminate them. With these words, I would like to invite you to peer into the following pages of this catalog.

Anna Jarząbek-Siudak

Born in Krynica- Zdrój, currently lives in Cracow

Academy of Fine Art in Cracow (Faculty of Painting in the studio of Professor J. Joniak)Diploma – 1990, Artistic Fabric – Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow (studios of professor R. Kwietnia)Graduated with honors and received a scholarship from the Minister of Culture and Arts

1990 | Diploma Exhibition1991 | Artistic Fabric Exhibition “SPLOT”, BWA CRACOW, OLSZTYN, OPOLE, SOPOT, CMTA ŁÓDŹ Painting Exhibition “Promotions of the Youngest” LEGNICA „IX Confrontations of the Youngest Artists of Cracow” MYŚLENICE1992 | “Featured Diplomas” GDAŃSK „Artistic Fabric” Polonia House in KRAKÓW (European Culture Month) Exhibitions accompanying the 7 th International Triennial of Artistic Tapestry ŁÓDŹ “V National Exhibition of Unique Fabrics” “III National Exhibition of Weaving Miniatures” “First Exhibition of Weaving Miniatures” CHICAGO1995 | „VI National Exhibition of Unique Fabrics” ŁÓDŹ “Exhibition of Unique Fabrics “ Gallery ZPAP CRACOW1996 | “Spring Salon of Painting and Sculpture ZPAP ’96” CRACOW1997 | “Exhibition of Artistic Fabrics and Miniatures” PARIS1998 | “Exhibitions accompanying the 9 th International Triennial of Artistic Textile” ŁÓDŹ2000 | “ULAN – Polish Decorative Art”, post-competition exhibition, Xawery Dunikowski Museum WARSAW2001 | Exhibitions accompanying the 10 th International Artistic Fabric Triennial, Gallery “Artemis” CRACOW2002 | “The Most Prominent Graduates of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the ASP”, Gallery NCK CRACOW “Iconography in Weaving Miniature” GANDAWA BELGIUM

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