
"Floral Compositions" is a collection of artworks made in application technique. It's essence, similar to collage, is to compose elements of different textiles. Sometimes it can be enriched by applying some handmade knitwear (for example, lace). In difference from the collage technique, which uses glue, textile elements are sewed to the base by manually controlled machine embroidery or hand embroidery (which also posesses an additional decorative value). Each work is acompanied by a cloth, or cardboard passe-partout, a systematic, aluminum frame with commercially available design and color. It is protected by glass, or plexiglass."Floral Compositions" have its' own classic elegance of forms, which beauty comes from nature – intellectually processed, and translated to the application technique's language. They have decorative, yet subtle character, which is why they perfectly supplement plain offices and public spaces, like coffee shops, restaurants or halls. "Floral Compositions" can be exhibited individually and in series as well (any number of works).
Using application technique opens up possibility to create art of various topics. In my repertory, besides "Floral Compositions", you may find lanscapes, abstractions, and sacral representations inspired by Byzantine icons.

Floral Compositions (cycle I)

dimentions: 50x70 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial: cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other
Series of 14 work by own technique.

Floral Compositions (cycle II)

dimentions: 80x60 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial : cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other
Continuation of the first cycle in a different format.

Landscape I

dimentions: 60x50 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial : cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other

Landscape II

dimentions: 60x50 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial: cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other


dimentions: 60x50 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial : cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other

Abstraction I

dimentions: 50x60 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial: cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other


dimentions: 50x60 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial: cotton, artificial fiber, printed industrial fabric and other

Saint Gregory I

wymiary: 100x150 cmtechnika: application, embroiderymateriał: cotton, wool, gold cord (artificial fiber)

Saint Michael I

wymiary: 100x150 cmtechnika: application, embroiderymateriał: cotton, wool, gold cord (artificial fiber)

Saint Gregory II

dimentions: 35x50 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial: cotton, wool, gold cord (artificial fiber)

Saint Michael II

dimentions: 35x50 cmtechnique: application, embroiderymaterial: cotton, wool, gold cord (artificial fiber)